


Code Meaning Explanation German Code
0-D zero drugs keine Drogen
0-H zero harm nicht schaden
0-V zero violence keine Gewalt
0-W zero waste kein Müll/Abfall
4R 4 relationships (FD BS MAR SP) 4 Beziehungen
5P 5 principles (IAs, MAR/CB, no killing/harm/meat - VG VGT, no drugs, no gambling/speculation) 5 Prinzipien
A answer    
AC Aum course Aum Kurs  
ACB Aum Coursebook Aum Kursbuch  
AD advert   W
AE audio engineering Tontechnik  
AF art forum Kunst-Forum  
AG angel Engel  
AI artificial intelligence künstliche Intelligenz  
AK Auckland    
AL all-love    
AM Angel Amadeus    
AN Anne = Samirotis = SA
ANM animation Animation  
AO AL + OP, all-love + omnipotence, also OA    
AP apocalypse Weltuntergang  
AR altar Altar  
AS aspirant Aspirant  
ASM assembly Assembly  
AST astrology Astrologie  
AT autarkic autark  
ATH atheism Atheismus  
ATR altar Altar 28.8.2022, before AT
AU austereness, asterity Entsagung, Entbehrung  
AUM vorheriger Name von TS    
AY analysis, analyze Analyse, analysieren  
B bathe    
BB Bible    
BK book Buch  
BL Blender    
BM body and mind Körper und Geist  
BO body Körper  
BR bridge Brücke 1/2024
BS business Geschäft, Handel  
BT barter trade, barter Tauschandel, Tausch  
BY beauty Schönheit  
C code, coding Kürzel, Programmieren  
CE concentration Konzentration  
CB celibacy    
CC concert 10 KZ
CCR child care Kinder Betreuung  
CF confrontation   KF
CG Coswig (Anhalt)    
CH channeling    
CHF Christof    
CHM chemistry Chemie  
CHY charity    
CI Ciagone    
CK chakra Chakra  
CL clear/clean up   AR
CLS Climate Symphony    
CM compose, composition   KM
CN China   2022-6-5
CO cooking   KC
CP corporation Aktiengesellschaft (AG) since 29.10.2021, before used for CRP
CPC Cryprocurrency Terasof Chat    
CR creation, create Kreation, kreieren  
CRK Christian Kromath    
CRP cryptocurrency Kryptowährung 29.10.2021, before CP
CRT critique, criticism Kritik, kritisieren  
CS course, class Kurs, Klasse KL
CT contemplation Kontemplation  
CTR control Kontrolle  
CU commune Kommune  
CW chakra work Chakra Arbeit  
CY (symbiotic) community Lebensgemeinschaft  
D detachment Loslösung  
DC disciple  
DE divine ecstasy göttliche Ekstase  
DF divine field    
DI discipline Disziplin  
DL delegation Delegation  
DM detachment Loslösung  
DN donation    
DP diplomacy Diplomatie  
DR dream   TR
DS drshana (spiritual meeting) (spirituelles Treffen)  
DRS dress   AZ
DT date   TN
DU duality Dualität  
DV drive   F
DW down runter  
DY diary Tagebuch  
E eat 20  
EC exercise Übung Ü
ED education Schulung, Erziehung  
EE electronics Electronics  
EF effectivity, effectiveness Effektivität  
EL endless endlos, unendlich  
EM emotion Emotion, Gefühl  
EMC electromechanics Elektromechanik  
EMP empathy Empathie  
ER earth Erde  
ES essence    
ET ecstasy Ekstase also: extraterrestrial - Außerirdische/r
F field Feld (auch alt: Fahren)
FA Feratonis    
FB Facebook    
FD Freedom    
FF family & friends Familie & Freunde  
FFD free from drugs drogenfrei, frei von Drogen  
FG following    
FGS Feroniba, Gabriel(e)/Gloria and Sof    
FI finances Finanzen  
FL film Film  
FM family   FF
FR friends   FF
FO Feroniba    
FP film production    
FR friends    
FRM farming Ackerbau  
FS Feroniba & Sof    
FT faithfulness Treue  
FU formula Formel  
FW Follower    
FY flyer Flyer  
FX flexibility Flexibilität  
G God    
G8 8 qualities of God 8 Eigenschaften Gottes  
G+ Google+    
GA Gabriel    
GAI Google Analytics    
GB Gabriel(e)   also: gigabyte
GC graphics    
GD graphic design    
GDN gardening Gartenarbeit  
GF god-field    
GL Gloria    
GM game    
GO Google    
GP game production 30  
GR group    
GRW group work Gruppenarbeit  
GV gravitation Gravitation  
GW global warming globale Erwärmung  
GY gallery Galerie  
H heart    
HB Hamburg    
HE Happiness on Earth   new book by Feroniba
HG highest good FHG for ... zhW
HH household chores    
HL heal heilen  
HM home Heim  
HO Hores  
HP Hydroponics Hydroponik since 2023-1-3, previously: homepage
HPN Hotel-Pension Penthesilea Hydroponik since 2023-1-3, previously: homepage
HR hear   H
HS holy scriptures Heilige Schriften  
HSC homeschooling Hausunterricht  
HT hotel Hotel  
HU human rights Menschenrechte  
HV   Hausverwaltung  
HW homework   HA
HY hypnosis Hypnose  
IA ideal Ideal  
IC incense    
ID idea Idee  
IDL IDL Productions    
IF infinite unendlich, unbegrenzt  
IFX inflexibility, stiffness Inflexibilität, Steifheit for gravity
IG Instagram    
II Intelligent Investor book by Benjamin Graham  
IL illusion    
IM all impressions/images & means/media alle Bilder & alle Mittel  
IN internet    
IP impersonal - impersonal energy unpersönlich - unpersönliche Energie  
IR inspiration Inspirarion  
IS immerse oneself sich vertiefen  
IT intuition Intuition  
IU illuminati    
IV inner vision 40 IB
J joy Freude  
JN Jana    
JP japa Japa  
JS JavaScript    
JU Juliane = Teralya = TY
K key Schlüssel  
KA Kyraleya    
KB keyboard Keyboard, Tastatur also: kilobyte
KD kid Kind  
KG kindergarten    
KH Kabbalah    
KI kindness Güte  
KN knowledge Wissen  
KT Kathrin = Ciagone = CI
L love    
LB liberalism    
LD lucid/lapid dream    
LG logic Logik  
LI life image    
LK link Link  
LR learn    
LS lesson Unterricht  
LT limited begrenzt (bedingt)  
LW love & wisdom Liebe & Weisheit  
LY lyric Liedtext  
LZ Leipzig    
M master    
MY8 8 mystical powers 8 mystische Kräfte also: MYP
MA media Medien  
MAP media production Medien-Produktion  
MAR marriage Ehe  
MB member Mitglied also: megabyte
MC mechanics Mechanik  
MD meditation    
ME meeting    
MF mystical field    
MG management, Manager Management, Manager, Verantwortungsträger  
MH mobile/motor home - caravan Wohnmobil  
MI mind    
MK masterkey Meister-Schlüssel  
ML multidimensional    
MM Miriam    
MMI master mind    
MN monastry    
MO Moses    
MIG migration Migration  
MP music production 10  
MR matter Materie  
MS minister Minister  
MST ministry Ministerium  
MT mathematics Mathematik 2024-2-1
MU music    
MUS music studio Musikstudio MS
MW material world materielle Welt  
MY mysticism, mystical Mystik, mystisch  
MYP mystical powers, 8 mystische Kräfte, 8  
N nature (being, character) Wesen WS
NE new energy neue Energie  
NF nature field Wesensfeld  
NN nanny Nanny Erzieherin  
NT nature Natur  
NV novel Roman  
NZ New Zealand Neuseeland  
O organization    
OA OP + AL, omnipotence + all-love, also AO    
OE old energy alte Energie  
OP omnipotence    
OPAL OP + AL = OA    
OR offensive realism    
P private - pause Privat - Pause - 50  
PA peace Frieden  
PC practice   Ü
PD paradise Paradies  
PE personal exchange   PA
PF perfection, perfect &Perfektion, perfekt  
PG program - programming Programm - Programmieren  
PH philosophy Philosophie  
PHY physics Physik  
PI paint    
PJ project Projekt  
PL play Theaterstück  
PM poem Gedicht  
PMG property management Hausverwaltung HV
PN Penthesilea    
PO prophet Prophet  
POL politics, political Politik, politisch  
PP part personality   TP
PPC part personality coordinator Teilpersönlichkeits-Koordinator  
PR preach   PD
PRG program TS Programm TS  
PRP property (management) Immobilien & Hausverwaltung (HV)
PS psycho - psychological (work) Psycho - psychologische (Arbeit)  
PSG psycho gene    
PT portal    
PTA Penthesilea (& Achilles) Frieden  
PTT painting/picture tone text Bild Ton Text  
PTY party Partei  
PU purity/pureness Reinheit  
PY python (computer language) Python  
Q question Frage  
QR Quran Koran  
R read   L
RB reality book Realität Buch  
RC ranch Ranch (Farm)  
RE renovate, repair    
RES real estate Immobilien  
RL religion Religion  
RM raw material Rohmaterial  
RN renounciation Entsagung  
RP report   BR
RS research Recherche  
RU rule Regel  
RW rescueing/saving the world Weltrettung also SW
RX relaxation Entspannung  
RY reality Realität  
RZ realization Verwirklichung  
S sleep 60  
SA Samirotis    
SB symbol Symbol  
SC science Wissenschaft  
SCC street concert   SKZ
SCL school Schule  
SCP sceptic Zweifler, Skeptiker  
SD Sadhana - spiritual discipline spirituelle Disziplin  
SE seminar Seminar  
SF God Sof    
SG stranger Fremder  
SH ship    
SI silence Stille  
SJ soul journey Seelenreise  
SK Silke   Amonasi
SL soul Seele  
SM stock market Börse  
SMS short message    
SN session    
SO Sofie    
SP spirit, spiritual Spirit, spirituell  
SPC spirit coaching Zweifler, Skeptiker  
SR script, screenplay Drehbuch  
SS spaceship    
SSS structure, strategy, success Struktur, Strategie, Erfolg  
ST Seth, Satan   SAT
STI strictness Strenge  
STL stateless staatenlos  
SU security Sicherheit  
SV service, seva   DI
SW saving/rescueing the world Weltrettung also RW
SY Skype    
T telephone    
TA terms of admission Aufnahmebedingungen  
TAR tarot Tarot  
TB Terasof Book   also: terabyte
TBP Terasof Book printed    
TC teach    
TD transmit(ted) dreaming Transmit(tiertes) Träumen  
TCH technique Technik  
TD tidy up Aufräumen  
TF Terasof field Terasof Feld  
TG Telegram    
TH think   N
TL translate 70  
TM team 70  
TN training 70  
TO Toni = Feratonis = FA
TP temple Tempel  
TR travel, trip   R
TS Terasof    
TSC Terasof course    
TSP Terasof Party Terasof Partei  
TT tantra    
TU truth Wahrheit  
TW Twitter - tweet    
TX text    
TY Teralya    
TYL tayloring Schneidern  
U up hoch  
UE unending unendlich  
UL unlimited unbegrenzt  
UP ultimate plan ultimativer Plan  
VC vacation    
VE Verena = Kyraleya = KA
VG vegan    
VGT vegetarian vegetarisch  
VI vision    
VT virtual virtuell  
VU virtue Tugend, Wert  
W work   AT
WA WhatsApp    
WB White Book Weißes Buch  
WD web design    
WI wisdom Weisheit  
WL wellness Wellness  
WO world Welt  
WP Wikipedia    
WPP World Peace Pary Welt-Friedens-Partei also WPC, WPS (community, society)
WR write 79 SR
WS website   HP
WV weaving Weben  
WW woodworking Holzverarbeitung  
X sex, sexuality    
YG yoga Yoga  
YJ Yi Jing - I Ching    
YMT Yantra Mantra Tantra    
YT YouTube    
YY Yin Yang    
Z zodiac sign    
ZD zero drugs keine Drogen  
ZW zero waste kein Abfall  

AN Anne = Samirotis = SA
AY Arysoth   ZI
FO Feroniba    
GA Gabriel    
JU Juliane = Teralya = TY
KI Kathrin = Ciagone = CI
MM Miriam    
MO Moses    
SO Sofie    
TO Toni = Feratonis = FA/SU
VE Verena = Kyraleya = KA

Masters, Angels & God      
AM Amadeus    
CS central-sun-personality    
EO Eon    
G God    
GL Gloria    
GB Gabriel 5  
HO Hores    
SF God Sof    

AE audio engineering    
FB Facebook    
FP film production    
G+ Google+    
GAL Google Analytics    
GC graphics    
GD graphic design    
GO Google    
JS JavaScript    
MP music production 10  
SY Skype    
TW Twitter - tweet    
WD web design    
WP Wikipedia    
YT YouTube 14  

Old Codes - Changed      
AI analysis, analyze Analyse, analysieren new: now AY (2021-9-11), AI = artificial intelligence
AO Silke = Amonasi = new: AI
AT Altes Testament autark - seit 2016-9-25
AT altar Altar now ATR since 28.8.2022
AY Arysoth   now analysis - 2018-9-29
BM Bible meeting   now body and mind - 2018-10-3
C course   now CS
CE celibacy Zölibat now CB
CK Christian Kromath   now CRK
CN   now: China - 2022-6-5
CN conditioned bedingt now (2018-8-25)
CT control Kontrolle now CTR (2018-8-24)
D dream   now DR
D drive, walk Fahren, Laufen now DV (2016-9-18)
DE divine ecstasy göttliche Ekstase (2016-9-18)
FU Fiyaluna   now formula (2019-2-2)
GK group work Gruppenarbeit now GRW - 2018-7-9
GM group member new: game now GR MB
H heal   now HL
HE Happiness on Earth   new book by Feroniba - 2017-7-8 Helper
HP previous: homepage also WS since 2023-1-3 hydroponics
IM internet marketing    
KI Kathrin = Ciagone = CI - now KT - 2019-4-1
MC Michael   now mechanics (2019-2-2)
MS music studio Musikstudio now MUS (MS = minister)
MT mystery task Rätsel-Aufgabe 2024-2-1 mathematics
PA paradise Paradies - auch frücher persönlicher Austausch, jetzt PE now PD
PA Penthesilea (& Achilles)   now PTA - 3.2.2022
PF old: prophet Feroniba   new: perfection - 2018-9-28
PG psycho gene   now PSG - 2017-9-17
PH pharao PHarao 2017-4-30
PN personal - personal energy persönlich - persönliche Energie 12.3.2017 - now Paramahamsa Nithyananda
PN Paramahamsa Nithyananda   1.4.2024 - now Penthesilea
PRG program TS Programm TS not also PG anymore - 2017-11-27
PY party Partei now PTY - 2019-4-20
RB reality book Realität Buch now Ranch Bad Bleiberg
SC script, screenplay Drehbuch now: SR - 2017-8-17
SG Sig   = GB(e), Tera
SI Silke = Amonasi = AO - neu SK
SM - now stock market seminar - now SE Seminar 2018-5-3
SU security Sicherheit 12/2023 - previous Sudevi
TD trade Handel, handeln now transmitted dreaming - 2018-11-19
TG Torgau   now Telegram 2018-7-6
TT Theater   now PL, play - 2018-7-5
U up hoch 2018-2-14 - not unlimited
WS Wesen new: N WS
Code Meaning Explanation German Code


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