Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro - Google Maps
Rio de Janeiro - Wikipedia
Rio de Janeiro - Wikitravel
Brazilian Portuguese -
Brasilianisches Portugiesisch - Wikipedia
Brazilian Portuguese Lessons -
Brazilian Portuguese Lessons - 01
Brazilian portuguese alphabet with pronunciation
Learn Brazilian - mylanguages.org
Favela - Wikipedia
Frankfurt - Rio de Janeiro - Flight Time 12:17 - 9524 km - 5918 miles
Brasilien: Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise - Auswärtiges Amt
Brasilianische Botschaft in Berlin
FIFA World Cup Brazil - fifa.com
Rio 2016 Olympic Games - rio2016.com
Katja Arabella Simmons - entrelinguas.de
List of South American countries by population - Wikipedia
Áá, Ââ, Ãã, Àà, Çç, Éé, Êê, Íí, Óó, Ôô, Õõ, Úú
ã, õ, á, é, í, ó, ú, â, ê, ô, à, ç
ch, lh, nh, rr, ss, am, em, im, om, um, ãe, ão, õe
Mac keyboard US:
á - ´ a
â - shift option ^ a (shift option & (or 6) a - German keyboard)
ã - option n a
à - ` a
ç - option c
é - ´ e
ê - ^ e - shift option ^ e (shift option e or 6 e - German keyboard)
í - ´ i
ó - ´ o
ô - ^ o - shift option ^ o
õ - ~ o - option n o
ú - ´ u
Portuguese alphabet - Wikipedia
First Brasilian words
Pics - Brazil & Jesus
Thu, 2013-5-30, 15:18 Amadeus: Going to Rio is fine. Collaboration with Torben too ♡ ✞ ♡
Signs today: Feroniba's curtain threw Jesus down on the floor, his left arm broke and disappeared - have to search for it afterwards. And they broke our entrance door and tried to steel things at the ground floor etc. >>> For preaching Christianity Leipzig is not really the best location. And it is end time for our residence in Leipzig, and for the houses too? I will ask Amadeus today.