


Love - Peace
Effectivity - Discipline
Inner Nature - Authenticity
Group Work - Community
Transparency - Truthfulness

Responsibility - Reliability
Personal Exchange - Friendliness
Beauty - Cleanliness - Orderliness
Religious/Ideal Practice - Christianity and Mysticism
Nonviolence - Vegetarianism - No Drug Usage

To be continued and commented soon

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Structured Philosophical Elements

2013-8-1, 8:30-8:40, 10:20-11:35 - Written by Feroniba Ramin Hassani

• Proofs for God's existence
• Why we should follow Jesus - even if someone probably could think he has not existed, or not in the way it is described
• Why Jesus must be true - healings, joy, Holy Spirit
• Only love can be the solution for everything, and the satisfaction. - John 15.12-14, 1 Cor 13 ...
• Freely you have received, freely give. - Math 10.8, 1 Cor 9
• Lord's Supper - 1 Cor 17 • Marriage - 1. Cor 7, 1 Cor 7.25, Math 22.30 - covering the head - 1 Cor 11
• Receive Jesus' joy - John 15.9-14

Perfection of Jesus impact

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. John 15.11

Christian rules for the current Leipzig project

Feroniba asked God and Jesus to reveal to him what is the best to do for the Leipzig project. Waiting from 15.7.2013 in the evening, then again 16.7.2013 from 6:50 am to 3 pm walking and praying in the Rabet park, Jesus started to answer from 3:00 to 3:50 pm, showing Feroniba this vision as the complete answer. Feroniba shall preach to the world and in the streets of Leipzig according to these themes, print it and offer it to everyone, and publish it here, too.

1 • Explain paradise - why the earth is not a perfect place - the trees of realization of good and evil and of eternal life - the path of God - Commandments - stay in Jesus' word

2 • Jesus is the Messiah, the Redeemer, because God wants it so - crucifixion and resurrection - baptism with water and the Holy Spirit > Healing - Whatever you will ask for in my name, it will be given to you - who seeks will find - who knocks to him the door will be opened - therefore we baptize, love all including the enemy

3 • Loving our selves, our neighbors, our enemies, forgive, be free from sin - separation, loss of material relationships and things - detachment - avocation and profession - no pearls in front of swines

4 • Group work - community - Love each other like I loved you - there is no greater love than giving your lives for your friends - you are my friends if you do what I assign you with (John15-17)

5 • Prayer (Lord's Prayer) - Ask God and hear him - healing and recognize our path, our daily bread, what to do today - don't worry about tomorrow - the father feeds the birds under heaven, why shouldn't he feed you

6 • 10 Commandments and other - vegetarianism, no killing or violence, no drugs or alcohol etc., marriage, rules about divorce, how to care about widows, the role of women and about emancipation, nature, autarkic, energy

7 • Association peaceful, friendly, culture, cleanliness, beauty, truth, education, knowledge etc.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

8 • 24/7 plan voluntarily - effectivity - responsibility - contracts - accountancy - terasof.com homepage - advertisement

9 • 2 houses in Leipzig posess, 2 flats in Berlin, purchase new land etc., eV eG

10 • Daily supper and bible meeting + garden + sleeping accomodations ♡ ✞ ♡ - Eisenbahnstr. 120, 04315 Leipzig, Germany, +49 171 27 39 26 5 Feroniba

Terasof - eV & eG - Ideelle Gemeinschaft auf christlicher Grundlage

Q & A

Deutscher Text - German text

Christliche Regeln für das derzeitige Leipzig Projekt

Feroniba bat Gott und Jesus ihm zu offenbaren was bezüglich des Leipzig Projektes am besten zu tun ist. Von abends 15.7.2013, dann wieder 16.7.2013 von 6:50 bis 15:00 Uhr, spazierend und betend im Rabet Park, begann Jesus von 15:00 bis 15:50 zu antworten, indem er Feroniba diese Vision als vollständige Antwort zeigte. Feroniba soll zur Welt und auf den Straßen Leipzigs gemäß dieser Themen predigen, sie drucken und jedem anbieten, und sie ebenso hier veröffentlichen.

1 • Paradies erklären - warum die Erde kein perfekter Ort ist - die Bäume der Erkenntnis von Gut und Böse und des ewigen Lebens - der Pfad Gottes - Gebote - in Jesu Wort stehen

2 • Jesus ist der Messias, der Erlöser, weil Gott es so will - Kreuzigung und Auferstehung - Taufe mit dem Wasser und dem Heiligen Geist > Heilung - Worum immer ihr bittet in meinem Namen, das wird euch gegeben werden - wer sucht der findet - wer anklopft dem wird aufgetan - deshalb taufen wir, lieben alle einschließlich des Feindes

3 • Uns selbst lieben, unseren Nächsten, unsere Feinde, vergeben, frei von Sünde - Trennung, Verlust von weltlichen Beziehungen und Dingen - Loslösung - Berufung und Beruf - keine Perlen vor die Säue

4 • Gruppenarbeit - Gemeinschaft - Liebt einander so wie ich euch geliebt habe - es gibt keine größere Liebe als wenn man sein Leben hingibt für seine Freunde - ihr seid meine Freunde wenn ihr tut was ich euch auftrage (Johannes 15-17)

5 • Gebet (Vater Unser) - Gott fragen und Ihn hören - Heilung und unseren Pfad erkennen, unser täglich Brot, was heute zu tun ist - sorgt euch nicht über morgen - der Vater ernährt die Vögel unter dem Himmel, warum sollte Er nicht auch euch ernähren

6 • 10 Gebote und andere - vegetarisch, kein Töten und keine Gewalt, keine Drogen oder Alkohol etc., Ehe, Regeln über Scheidung, Umgang mit Witwen, die Rolle der Frau und über Emanzipation, Natur, autark, Energie

7 • Umgang friedlich, freundlich, Kultur, Reinheit, Schönheit, Wahrheit, Bildung, Wissen etc.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

8 • 24/7 Plan freiwillig - Effektivität - Verantwortung - Verträge - Buchführung - terasof.com Homepage - Werbung

9 • 2 Häuser in Leipzig Besitz, 2 Wohnungen in Berlin, neuer Landkauf etc., eV eG

10 • Tägliches Abendmahl und Bible Meeting (Bibel Treff) + Garten + Schlafmöglichkeiten ♡ ✞ ♡ - Eisenbahnstr. 120, 04315 Leipzig, Germany, +49 171 27 39 26 5 Feroniba

Terasof - eV & eG - Ideelle Gemeinschaft auf christlicher Grundlage

Q & A

Christian rules for the current Rio de Janeiro project

Written by Feroniba Ramin Hassani

1 • Stay in Jesus' word - Be a desciple - follow the Bible in every single aspect - Moses gave the law (John beginning)

2 • Take our cross, and then the cross of others - accept hard situations and solve them, understand God behind every situation, discuss this with other group members

3 • Always be able to follow God's instructions - Look for them in every moment in our outer and inner visions and discuss this with other members - trying not to speculate and declare everything what is on my mind as God's instruction

4 • Love your neighbour - love your ememy - always understand every single meeting with every person as a task from God and care for everyone

5 • If your brother offends you correct him, and only if he asks for forgiveness forgive him. Forbive him seven times per day if he offends you and asks for forgiveness (Luke 17, 3b-4) - I did not come to bring peace but the sword, to separate between mother and daughter, father and son, brother and sister, friend and friend (Paul)

Current members of the Rio de Janeiro project

Feroniba Anne     (to be continued soon)

Some reasons why I became a Christian

Written by Feroniba Ramin Hassani

1 • Because I met Torben Søndergaard - his opening speech grabbed my heart and there was only one wish: Torben should baptize me and teach me everything he has learned from Jesus and God. I love him and his wonderful work. Visit his English website thelastreformation.com

2 • I always wanted to be with Jesus and his disciples, to the best of my remembrance, as I had heared and read it as a child >>> The Children's Bible. The problem was that I never met a person, a church or community who inspired me to become a Christian member or friend. There were always contradictions to the Bible text which I couldn't accept personally. Now I met Torben I can say: yes I want to be a Christian, as you are one I can accept with all my heart ♡.

3 • The main interest is always to contact God, have a personal relationship with Him and the angels - all this to be able to leave this mortal world and reach the immortal paradise as soon as possible, now. Jesus and the Bible show me the path - unfortunately not the churches. And Torben shows solutions for these problems, lives the Bible as it is written, and inspires everyone to do the same immediately! Wow!

To be continued soon

What does mysticism mean

Written by Feroniba Ramin Hassani

1 • We read the Holy Bible and other Holy Scriptures, understand the deep and profound meaning and comment it if it is necessary and of practical use.

2 • After having done so, we live according to these statements.

3 • We explicitly read the mystical parts of the Holy Scriptures and try our best to understand them in its true meaning, use commentaries and practical instructions if available etc.

4 • We understand that these mystical declarations mostly are given because it causes tension and misunderstanding among people who are not experts or deeply interested in mysticism. Therefore it is not recommended to write commentaries and spread them in the world, but study and practice mysticism in a private atmosphere among friends, experts, truly interested people and relatives etc. (Mark 4, 10-12, 33-34)

5 • Due to deeper understandings and practices of the Holy Scriptures we develop all the described states of conciousness, the mystical practices. We develop contact to God, the Holy Spirit, Lord Jesus Christ, angels, masters, become empowered with healing abilities, clearvoaynt, sensitive for spiritual relationships and contexts and all different kinds of mystical perfections.


1. Sitzung - Sat, 2013-9-29, 11:40

Engel Gabriel - in Welt als Ganzes denken


• Liebe zwischen allen Menschen - Definition
• Gott verstehen durch Engel Meister Schüler - Kontakt
• Dritte Welt - Weltprobleme Gesamtüberblick
• Bildung perfektionieren
• Gesundheitssystem
• Welt-Finanzen und globale Aktivitäten darstellen

2. Sitzung - 2013-10-2, Wed, 18:55-19:15 (TH - mit GA, will mit mir arbeiten mit seinem "Computer")

Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Weltalmanach - Fischer
List of countries by population - Wikipedia
Global Issues
The Millennium Project

Mysticism - Wikipedia
Christianity - Wikipedia
Liberal Christianity - Wikipedia

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